A Christmas Surprise
- Cinematography
- Narrative Feature
- November 11, 2020

A film for BET through Mar Vista Entertainment.
View PostA film for BET through Mar Vista Entertainment.
View PostNick Newell, a one-armed MMA fighter gets a rare chance to fight for the lightweight championship.He strives to win for himself and all the other people in the world with physical challenges.
View PostA devout preacher’s son leaves his protective home to begin college and meets a self-reliant student who will test his faith and his heart.
View PostKelly Hankins is Butterhill high school’s star baseball player accidentally gets his girlfriend pregnant, who happens to be the daughter of the town’s reverend. So he creates a plan with his crazy inventor uncle to hide the pregnancy by carrying the baby, himself. Kelly Hankins is Butterhill high school’s star baseball player accidentally gets his girlfriend pregnant, who happens to …
View PostWe are still missing some establishing shots and musical score. written by VADANAK KEdirected by AARON LEONGdirector of photography DEVON LEEmake-up by VENUS KE castSTEVE BOLOGNATOM DRESNERWILTON YEUNGKATIE KELLEHERCHRISTIAN CAGIGALKARLA ACOSTA gaffer DARREN WONGclapper and audio – LEP KAN
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